Cultural Activities

Cultural Activities
Community in the Kitchen

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Cultural Creativity!

First Nations Art with James Madam

November 2013

It has been awhile since we've posted to the blog!  I  just thought I'd let you know some of the great things we got up to at the kitchen in the Fall of 2013.

We are fortunate in our small community to have many talented artists.  One of our local First Nations artists, James Madam, came to the kitchen over several sessions to provide background and instruction in traditional techniques that he honed while attending the Freda Diesing School of Northwest Coastal Art at Northwest Community College. 

An integral element of shape to the local First Nations art is the "Ovoid".  James was a fun teacher and the kitchen participants learned how to draw the ovoid and other elements of shape.  Once our drawings were complete, we began painting using some of the traditional colours, of which, black and red dominate.  James provided instruction in basic brush and application techniques and how to prepare the paints for use.  The art sessions provided participants opportunity to work in a creative medium that to most of us was unfamiliar and somewhat uncomfortable.  Many of us do not think of ourselves as "artists" and as a result rarely create art.   The kitchen thanks James for providing opportunity to explore our inner artists!